Happy and Grateful – Day 202

July brings fireworks, picnics, pools and air conditioning. It is a time for those of us in the USA to celebrate our “birthday” and a personal time for me to celebrate life. It is hot and humid days and thunderstorms cooked up at night. I am continuing my challenge to find happiness and gratitude in every day. Join along in the comments or on your own blog. There is always good in every day.

For us there was a little bit of relief today… it rained.  It was not much but it was enough that it was about 10 degrees cooler.  The grass is still brown and we need a lot more rain, but it is a start.

I paid today for being up so late last night.  I took about 3 naps and still fought my eyelids from closing.  I am definitely going to be sleeping earlier tonight.  I was however grateful to be able to take the naps I did today.

Tonight I let my inner child out.  The movie Matilda was on TV and there is something about that movie that just makes me happy inside.  I really needed it tonight.  I will take my happiness where I can get it!

Now I will try to escape a little bit in a book and soon drift off to sleep.  I hope you find something to be grateful for in your weekend.

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