Happy and Grateful – Day 222

Seven months are gone now and surprisingly I am still plugging along with this challenge to post about my happiness and gratitude every day this year.  August brings the state fair here in Iowa and lots of heat and humidity.  It is the time to see the back to school shopping start with kids dreading it and parents loving it.  As I continue my challenge I hope you will take a minute to reflect on your day too.  You can even share your happiness and gratitude here in the comments or on your own blog.  There is good in every day!

Yesterday’s activities left me very fatigued today.  I napped twice and almost a third time.  Just about missed my doctor appointment because I couldn’t wake up to my alarms… ended up about 15 minutes late.  But I made it through the day and I am now winding down for the night.

Today’s gratitude… coffee.  Without that little boost I think I would have slept more.  Some coffee with a little french vanilla creamer hit the spot after I got back from the doctor visit.

My boyfriend and I have been watching a series on Netflix called Dark Matter.  We are winding up the second season.  I was happy to watch a couple more episodes with him tonight.  It kept me awake almost as good as the coffee earlier.

I need more sleep now.  Keep finding your gratitude and happiness every day.  Have a good night/day!

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