Sunny Sunday – June 16

Today I decided to bring more light to the world. Today I ask you to do the same thing. Join me in posting something happy and upbeat, funny or serious but always sunny. It can be poems, stories (real or fiction), pictures, quotes or music. Let’s spread a little joy today. Encourage each other with a little positivity. If you want to spread that sunshine give me a link in the comments and we can light up the world together. #SunnySunday

How did your week go? Mine was a bit stress laden, but I am feeling better now. I decided to try to take life a little less seriously today. To do so I am focusing on funny quotes. Have you heard any of these before?

“My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.” – Mitch Hedberg

(I can kill a plant faster than anyone I know. This is a good reason to not get fake plants with my track record I would probably do them in.)

“What is another word for thesaurus?” – Steven Wright

(I use a thesaurus a fair amount of time… this is a valid question.)

“Weather forecast for tonight: dark.” – George Carlin

(This is a relatively safe forecast… unless you are in a country that experiences white nights. Why is it that weather forecasters can be wrong so often and still keep their jobs?)

“There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.” – Henry Kissinger

(Having chronic illness, my schedule is often full… wouldn’t it be nice though if we could only schedule a crisis when it was calm already? They seem to come in groups.)

… just a little lighthearted look at life today. Smile, laugh and have a great Sunday! See you next week!

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