Fandango’s Flashback Friday – Play On

Shhh! I know technically it is after midnight here so it’s Saturday, but not on the west coast yet, and that is where Fandango is so I think I am still legit. So back in time I go to 2021 and this post for this week’s FFF. I hope you like the poem and the song I posted with it… I probably haven’t heard it since this post, it was good to hear it again.

Photo by Victor Freitas on

Play On

Music affects the soul

It brings emotions out in the listener

Music affects the heart

We can’t help but feel good when we hear a favorite song

Music affects the mind

Memories come drifting back with every note

Music affects every aspect of our lives

Let it play on


A song that has been on my mind recently and Tom was one of my Mom’s favorite so in honor of her this Mother’s Day evening…. hope you like this little bit of blues.

Alive With Energy

Photo by Thibault Trillet on

A darkened room begins to roar

As movement is barely seen on stage

A rhythm pounds out on the drums

A series of notes hit the guitar strings

And a keyboard is played

The lights bathe the stage

The crowd goes wild

As the band blends their voices

The rush of the live show has begun

And I surrender to the euphoria



Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – band

Sunny Sunday – April 20th

Today I decided to bring more light to the world. Today I ask you to do the same thing. Join me in posting something happy and upbeat, funny or serious but always sunny. It can be poems, stories (real or fiction), pictures, quotes or music. Let’s spread a little joy today. Encourage each other with a little positivity. If you want to spread that sunshine give me a link in the comments and we can light up the world together.  #SunnySunday

I am back for another Sunny Sunday post, and I am at odds with my muse while I write this. And although it is National Poetry Month, I just have no magical words this weekend. I do always have one thing though… music. Music can do so many things like lift the spirits and give you an escape that it is sunny no matter what the song. Let’s wander back to 1969 and check out this gem to bring a little light to the day…

I hope everyone has a super SUNNY Sunday! 🌞

Edit – Some people had issues with the above link so I will ad a second one in hopes this works if the above doesn’t. The song is Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In by The Fifth Dimension.

The Blues And Grey

I sit here deep in my emotions

Wallowing in the depths

Darkened moods descend

While the lady sings the blues

Through my stereo

I bemoan the past

And fear for the future

But somehow embrace the present

Looking outside I see the rain

And matching the clouds

My view is grey and dim

But that’s why this lady has the blues


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – bemoan

Image from Bing Image Creator

Sunny Sunday – March 10

Today I decided to bring more light to the world.  Today I ask you to do the same thing.  Join me in posting something happy and upbeat, funny or serious but always sunny.  It can be poems, stories (real or fiction), pictures, quotes or music.  Let’s spread a little joy today.  Encourage each other with a little positivity.  If you want to spread that sunshine give me a link in the comments and we can light up the world together.  #SunnySunday

To those who live in the area of the time adjustment for daylight savings time, I hope you are adjusting to the loss of an hour last night.  I know I am usually tired for a day or two while adjusting.  Personally, I have never really understood the point of the time change in the spring and then back again in the fall, but we go on.

So while we are on the subject of time…

Time Passages

It is precious

And should never be wasted

It can be fast

Or take an eternity to pass

It marches on

But can sometimes stand still

Time can be on our side

Or out to get us

Time is of the essence

But you can kill it

Above all you should

Take time to smell the roses


photo credit – Bing Image Creator

And as an added bonus…

Sunny Sunday – November 5

Today I decided to bring more light to the world.  Today I ask you to do the same thing.  Join me in posting something happy and upbeat, funny or serious but always sunny.  It can be poems, stories (real or fiction), pictures, quotes or music.  Let’s spread a little joy today.  Encourage each other with a little positivity.  If you want to spread that sunshine give me a link in the comments and we can light up the world together.  #SunnySunday

There is a lot going on… my boyfriend makes the trip here next week and it is all about getting ready.  Yesterday was bill paying day – always such a downer the way everything keeps going up.  And I found out a cousin is in the hospital.  BUT in spite of all the chaos around there is always sunshine.

So I thought about what I always go to when I struggle a little – music.  And since the Beatles released a new song this week, how about a little “Good Day Sunshine”…

Sunny Sunday – October 1

Today I decided to bring more light to the world.  Today I ask you to do the same thing.  Join me in posting something happy and upbeat, funny or serious but always sunny.  It can be poems, stories (real or fiction), pictures, quotes or music.  Let’s spread a little joy today.  Encourage each other with a little positivity.  If you want to spread that sunshine give me a link in the comments and we can light up the world together.  #SunnySunday

I’m keeping things simple this week. A song I have always liked by John Denver is what I want to share with you today.

Have a beautiful Sunday everyone! 🌞

Some Things Daily September 16 – #027

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

Another super Saturday is upon us, let’s see what’s special about this one.  In 1925 blues great B. B. King was born.  Clear back in 1620 the Mayflower leaves from England.  In 1810 Mexico began its fight for independence.  And in 1932 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi began a hunger strike against a proposed Indian constitutional change that would likely divide India’s classes.  Today is International Coastal Cleanup Day, National Dance Day, National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day, Batman Day and Collect Rocks Day (just watch out for those feral pet rocks – ha, ha).  But there is one more day that really takes me back to my childhood.

Today is National Play-Doh Day.  It is a childhood favorite that still can bring back memories just by the smell of it.  But it originally was not a toy.  It was designed as a cleaner for wallpaper in the 30’s and sold in gallon sized tubs.  Then in the 50’s it was repurposed as a toy in the smaller child sized containers we know today.  Originally only made in white it has grown to include as many as 60 colors.  In 2006 the toy celebrated its 50th anniversary with the launch of Play-Doh Day by Hasbro.  Now, to be honest, did the smell of it ever drive you to taste it?  Did you mix your colors or keep them separate?  Do you have a favorite toy or accessory to play with it?  Let’s talk about these things…

The smell was so good… the taste, I honestly don’t know.  I thought about eating it many times but just never could.  Although I have heard it was nothing as special as it smelled like.  As a young kid I would mix the colors to create things then get upset I couldn’t separate them again.  The older I got the smarter I became and usually kept them separate.  My all-time favorite additional toy was the Fuzzy Pumper Barber and Beauty Shop that was released in 1977.  And I will admit I was happy when my daughter got her first Play-Doh because someone had to show her how to play with it.  Ha, ha!

What about you?  Tell me about your thoughts in the comments below or make your own post and give me a link so I can find it. 

As a bonus… a little B. B. King.

Some Things Daily September 9 – #020

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

How is your weekend going?  I hope you are having a blast.  Let’s hit the charts with Otis Redding being born on this day in 1941.  Elvis made his first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show in 1956. It is Wonderful Weirdos Day, and you might just hear Otis or Elvis on the radio as you drive today for International Drive Your Studebaker Day.  Do you listen to music as you drive?  Do you have a favorite station, or do you listen digitally?  … that’s it for today.  Nothing hard, no wordy posts, just a little music to relax with.  Let’s talk about these things…

I flip between a couple of stations in my car… no satellite radio so it is FM tunes for me.  I am often on an oldies radio station but catch some current hits now and again.

Tell me what you think in the comments below or write a musical post and link it back here.  Now a couple of songs on the way out…

Some Things Daily August 22 #002

I’m going to try a little something new.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

As I start a little chat with Bard and begin to search for facts, today I find is a start of greatness.  It tells me Albert Einstein, Audrey Hepburn and Michael Jordan all were born today.  But doing a little fact checking none of that was true – I hope yesterday’s post was at least partially accurate.  See, you still can NOT rely on AI for facts, it just doesn’t know much yet.

But I did find that the International Red Cross was founded on this day in 1864, Romania was occupied by Soviet troops in 1944 and in 1989 Nolan Ryan registers 5,000th strikeout.  It is National Eat a Peach Day and International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.  Poet Dorthey Parker was born in 1893 and King Richard III of England died at the Battle of Bosworth Field.

Today I want to mention someone else who was born.  Claude Debussy was a famous French composer born today in 1862.  Have you heard his music?  I would be willing to bet you have.  His most famous piece is Clair de lune.  It has been used in advertising, movie, and television scores.  Here it is…

Is there a piece of music that you love to listen to that is out of your norm?  One lone song in a genre you don’t like?  So many movies have a score you hear but you don’t really listen to; think of how different Star Wars would have been without John William’s compositions.  Let’s talk about these things…

One of my favorite classical pieces is by Maurice Ravel called Bolero.  It is a soft slow build to an intense loud piece.  I have mentioned before there is some in just about every category of music that I like, if I don’t have a favorite in a genre yet, I probably will before I die because I listen to a lot of different kinds of music.  Do you have a favorite song you want to share?  Talk to me about it in the comments or share a link to a post about it.

Here is Bolero…