Sunny Sunday – October 29

Today I decided to bring more light to the world.  Today I ask you to do the same thing.  Join me in posting something happy and upbeat, funny or serious but always sunny.  It can be poems, stories (real or fiction), pictures, quotes or music.  Let’s spread a little joy today.  Encourage each other with a little positivity.  If you want to spread that sunshine give me a link in the comments and we can light up the world together.  #SunnySunday

These twin beauties came from my daughter and they are still as beautiful as when I got them.  Beauty comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes, as does many things that we are grateful for.  On this Sunny Sunday I want to share a little happiness and gratitude.  Nothing sunnier than being grateful for the good things in your life.

I have been in a bit of a slump, but tonight I am a little closer to saying I am happy.  My depression seems to be easing up a bit.  I am happy to be spending time with a friend who is visiting right now.  We are getting psyched for Bears football tonight.  And it is less than two weeks until I get to see my boyfriend.

As for gratitude, I have to say I am grateful for my meds pulling me through this slump as well as some good friends.  Good food – I ate at my favorite Italian restaurant this weekend along with getting some fresh baked cookies delivered to celebrate my friends return to her home state.  And most important I am grateful for my boyfriend whose time and attention make me feel like I matter.  Even on days when I smile and laugh I can still be struggling and the connection we have is so important to me.

So now it is your turn to spread some sunshine.  I shared my happiness and gratitude how about you do the same.  Or post a picture, write a poem, share a short story, link some sunny music… the ways to spread sunshine are many!

Some Things Daily October 27 – Final

I just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU to those of you who read this daily post. Sadly I have to end things (read here why) and I want to let everyone know this was a fun ride while it lasted. I learned a little and hope you did too. Be aware that every day is special in some way and more importantly you can make it special yourself.

Once more…


Mumbles – Slow Return

Oh, what a month October has been.  It is usually my favorite month but with the mouth pain… it hasn’t been the greatest.  But I got my root canal done and am no longer in pain there… however I am sure the added stress of that helped fuel my fibromyalgia.  Add in the state of the world around me and life is kind of keeping me down.  It is because of that I sadly have to admit that a daily, researched post is too time consuming and draining for me.  So, coming back to WordPress I have to say I will no longer be doing Some Things Daily.  I will be continuing my Sunny Sunday post this weekend though.

I will be returning to more of my poems and Mumbles.  Maybe a stray fiction… it has been a while since I tried my hand at flash fiction.  I will be stepping back in slowly though.  I am currently about a week and a half behind on reading those I follow.  I am giving myself a week to catch up and may not comment as often as normal as I try to regain my footing.  But by the time next week’s Fandango’s Flashback Friday comes along then I will start fresh if I am not caught up.

Tonight is another tense night.  I have a dear friend in Maine and wish there was something I could do or say to ease her pain, shock, fear.  The war rages on in the Middle East and neither side is easing up.  Political tensions continue to be on edge.  A candidate for president is facing potential jail time – unheard of in the past.  And the warring sides still fight in Ukraine.  I need the escape of writing.  I need to flush my feelings from inside to ink. 


Guns kill

People don’t care

The nation has gone numb

Life is disposable and we pay the price

Over 500 mass shootings this year already

I will not be numb to the loss

I do weep inside

More die


That feels better… I really have missed writing.  I hope you all stick with me on this journey of words.  I will still my babbling fingertips now.  Off to dreamland soon.  Good night!


A Little Time

  I am sorry, but for the next few days I will not be posting. As you can see I have a killer toothache that I can’t get past to make poems or other post, just not thinking straight. I was thinking of hiring my cats to do the posts…

But they were too wrapped up in looking at dog fail memes and I could not pull them away from the videos of dogs failing at basic tricks. 🙂 

As I am able I will try to read some posts in-between ice packs and naps. I should be better soon – at least by the 23rd when I can finally get into the oral surgeon. Thank you all for understanding.


(A special thanks to my boyfriend who helped me assemble this post and found the pictures. ❤️)

Some Things Daily October 14 – #055

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

How is your weekend going?  I hope you enjoy your Saturday!  Today we focus a bit on the 60’s.  In 1962 the Cuban missile crisis began.  In 1964 Martin Luther King Jr won the Nobel Peace Prize.  And in 1968 US servicemen were sent back to Vietnam for nonvoluntary second tours of duty.

Today is Universal Music Day, World Standards Day, National Chess Day, Adventure Day, and Be Bald and Be Free Day.  It is also National Dessert Day…and there are so many choices.  Cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, ice cream, candies, and on and on.  Do you bake?  What is your favorite treat to make?  Do you have a family recipe you have or plan to pass down?  Let’s talk about these things…

I don’t bake as much as I used to since developing fibromyalgia.  I really miss baking cakes, but I sure don’t need a whole cake hanging around.  I do still make an occasional batch of cookies or some muffins.  My gma had a couple of recipes I love that I would pass on to my daughter, but her husband doesn’t like cream cheese and the other is just a fairly basic Jello mix– more a salad than a dessert.  I have, however, passed on some of the Christmas candy making to my daughter during holiday time.

What about you?  Tell me about your thoughts in the comments or make your own Desserts Day post and leave a link here so I can find it.  Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll talk.

Some Things Daily October 13 – #054

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

Happy Friday the 13th… are you superstitious?  In 1775 the Continental Congress approved the first Navy force.  In 1943 Italy began cooperation with the allied troops and fought against Germany in WWII.  And in 2010 the last of the 33 trapped Chilian miners was rescued from the mine cave in after surviving more than two months.

Today is World Egg Day, National M&Ms Day, National No Bra Day, Disaster Day and Vet Nurse Day.  It is also National Train Your Brain Day. What are some of the things you do to keep your brain active?  Do you like jigsaw puzzles or crossword puzzles?  Word games or number games?  Do you think reading is an important part of brain health?  Let’s talk about these things…

I try to keep my brain active as much as possible.  Having the occasional bout of fibro fog though it can be hard.  I like jigsaws and crossword puzzles although I am better with jigsaws.  I play Words with Friends a lot and the occasional sudoku. I also read posts daily and am working on an audio book for concentration.  I also have a book I am reading and going through with my therapist to try and help me deal with emotions and life in general.  I do think reading is very important in brain training and imagination.  It can also be a great escape from the troublesome facts of life at times.

What about you?  Let me know how you feel in the comments or write a post and leave the link here so I can find it.  Thanks as always for reading and I hope you’ll talk!

Some Things Daily October 12 – #053

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

Today we can thank Bavarian crown prince Louis and princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen who married in 1810 for the origins of Oktoberfest.  In 1964 the USSR launched the first multimanned rocket into orbit around the earth.  And in 1998 Matthew Shepard died after a brutal attack during a anti-gay hate crime in Wyoming.

Today is World Sight Day, World Arthritis Day, National Farmers Day and National Freethought Day.  It is also National Savings Day today.  Do you save on a regular basis?  Do you have a particular goal in mind, or do you just save to have the funds when you want or need something?  Did you start saving as a kid?  Let’s talk about these things…

I started very young with my own savings account at the credit union and have stayed there with all my banking needs throughout my life.  At least every other month I add some money to a Holiday account to have money set aside by the time Christmas rolls around, but I do not have any automatic deposits into any savings accounts.  If there is something I want or need, I do try to save up for it, but there are always those emergencies you just never know when they are going to hit.  From tossing change into a jar to setting money aside in an account, I have always been a saver.

How about you?  Tell me about your thoughts in the comments or write your own National Savings Day post and link it here so I can find it.  Remember – a penny saved is a penny earned!  Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll talk!

Some Things Daily October 11 – #052

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

As we step back in time, we find in 1793 the death toll in an outbreak of Yellow Fever in Philadelphia reaches 100; by the time it was over 5000 had died.  In 1968 the first manned Apollo mission, Apollo 7, launched with three astronauts on board.  And in 2002 former US President Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.”

Today is National Coming Out Day, National Emergency Nurses Day, National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day, National Fossil Day, Bring You Teddy Bear to Work and School Day, and Southern Food Heritage Day.  Today is also International Day of the Girl Child.  It is a day to recognize and address the needs and difficulties faced by girls and young women around the world.  Did you know that “Around 90 per cent of adolescent girls and young women do not use the internet in low-income countries, while their male peers are twice as likely to be online.”  That is just one of the facts from the United Nations page on this day’s reasons for the event.  See more at  Are you aware of the difficulties young women and girls face around the world?  Had you ever heard of International Day of the Girl Child before?  Let’s talk about these things and what you know about the difficulties girls face…

This is the first time I was aware of a special day, but for many years I have been aware of some of the difficulties girls around the world face.  From killing an infant if it is not a boy, to childhood marriages, to abuse and discrimination in wide numbers, it is so sad what some of these girls and young women must endure.  I highly recommend you take a little time to follow the link to the United Nations site.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or write your own post and link it here so I can find it.  Thanks for reading and I hope you will talk.

Some Things Daily October 10 – #051

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

In 1845 the US Naval Academy opened in Annapolis, Maryland.  In 1944 nearly 800 Romani children were put to death at Auschwitz.  Today is World Porridge Day, National Hug a Drummer Day, National Face Your Fears Day, National Handbag Day and Own Business Day.  But there are two other days I wish to talk about in relation to each other.

It is World Mental Health Day and World Homeless Day.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I am not going to say all homeless people have mental health issues, but just like for those with homes it is a growing problem there too.  My friends and I just talked a bit about how some “homeless” people really are not, or may not be in any shape to fix that fact.  And once you get to the homeless point… who wants to hire someone that has no address.  And so, the cycle continues.  Do you stop to help those with signs looking for help?  Do you go into areas where there are known homeless people and help?  Or do you rely on charities or organizations to distribute funds and needed supplies to them?  Let’s talk about these things…

According to one website there was an attempt to recognize the world homeless numbers and it was estimated at 100 million were homeless and 1.5 billion had inadequate housing.  Those numbers are staggering.  I knew a friend who was homeless for a time (and he did have mental health issues, but it was not directly tied to his homelessness, but he also could not afford a doctor to seek help).  I did what I could to help him from many miles away but felt so unable to be of much use.  In answer to the questions… no, I do not usually help those with signs.  I worked at a retail store for years and saw people “work” the parking lot who at the end of the day did not look the least bit homeless – leaving food laying behind on the ground and shopping for DVDs in the store.  People like that have soured me on who is really in need vs who isn’t.  There is only one area in town where known homeless people tend to camp and I don’t usually go there, but do donate to the local food bank, shelters and clothing closets.   In fact, I have some of my dad’s old sport coats I am thinking of taking to the homeless shelter for those with job interviews to wear, if they will take them.

Homelessness is a problem with the continued high cost of living that is not going to go away on its own.  And more stress can lead to more mental health struggles.  Let me know what you think.  Tell me in the comments or write your own post and give me the link here.  Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll talk.