It’s Not Unusual

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My heart skips

It is not beating like is usually does

My head’s in the clouds

I am not thinking clearly as usual

I get butterflies in my stomach

But it’s not unusual

It’s the growth of a new love

Effecting every inch of me

And I wouldn’t trade it for the world


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – unusual

…as an added bonus –

Wake Me Up When September Ends

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It is going to be a busy September.  I have seven PT sessions scheduled, five doctor visits and an MRI all on my plate for the month.  It also happens to be my daughter and niece’s birthdays this month.  AND… I am my niece’s driver since she has no interest in driving and I have two appointments to take her too as well.  Makes me tired just writing it all out.

The one good thing is it looks as if there will be a little college football to follow.  I haven’t really paid attention to know if pro ball is happening.  But one of the teams I follow is scheduled to have their first game next week.

I want to get my med change settled out.  Maybe reduce it or something because I am SO TIRED all the time with the new meds.  … that is one of the doctors that I am seeing this month.

Before I finish up, I wanted to thank Fandango for sticking with this challenge.  I know he has been struggling with the new block editor… THANKS for giving me inspiration to write.  I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to finish it.  (Damn pills!)   It has been fun though!

And because you all made it to the end with me…

For Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #31 – your plans for September are

Punching the Clock

Photo by Jill Wellington on

This is a tough one.  There were good things and bad things about every job I have had.  As a kid my sister and I made money shoveling the walks for two different retired woman who each lived alone.  And when the holidays were over an elderly couple across the street would leave to visit family out of town and we shoveled their sidewalk while they were gone – and it was a LONG corner lot sidewalk.

Then as I gathered more independence, I ventured into two normal kid’s jobs – babysitting and a newspaper route.  My mom put an end to that after a couple of boys from Iowa were kidnapped doing their paper routes.

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I concentrated on grades and a small social life in high school.  Then after the first and only year of college I went to work for a local restaurant nights.  I later on picked up a second job at a fast food joint.  That didn’t last long.  So, I decided to try retail and became a cashier.  I worked at the store and restaurant for about 7 years.  Then left the restaurant after I had my daughter.  This was so I could be with my daughter nights while working days… my husband taking opposite shifts, so we didn’t need a lot of babysitting time.

For a shot time I did some grain book-keeping for an elevator, it was basically a data entry job.  That was a nice job as it was in my in-law’s basement helping my mother-in-law.  But flooding and a sale of the elevator to the Coop made that job obsolete. 

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So, going with longevity I would say my cashier job was the best at 20 years.  Like any job though it wasn’t the same in the end.  Management changed several times and the importance of the front end was swept under the carpet so to speak.  Then I got sick and the lack of compassion from those I had worked many years with left me with a very bad taste in my mouth. 

Thank you and have a nice day!

Even thought the end was rough I still loved being a cashier on most days.  I had regular customers and friends that made the job enjoyable.  If I ever find that miracle cure, I would consider returning.  But I don’t see that happening any time soon.

Written for Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) – your best job ever

Whoo Whoo

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The alarm clock is my enemy… I am not a morning person, never have been. I have to set multiple alarms anymore if I do need to be awake for one thing or another. But I am not surprised, I grew up in a family of night owls. My Dad spent many years working 11pm to 7am. He would be there to tuck us into bed at night and wake us up in the morning.

I do have a couple of great late night memories. We often would stay up late playing a game of Shanghai Rummy in the summer time on Dad’s night off. And one night we stayed up all night (the whole family and a couple of friends) trying to decipher a text adventure game called Kidnapped. We discussed each level of this high rise we woke up in and had to make it out of somehow. I THINK the level that took us the longest involved giving a guard dog a sleeping pill in hamburger. There was also a level where we had to do something with a fish tank that had piranhas in it.

Even visiting my aunts, uncles and grandparents out of town we would stay up late talking or playing games. I truly came from a family or a parliament of night owls!

Written for Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #29 – time of the day

Falling Fast

Photo by Leigha Robbins

autumn leaves are all around

slowly falling they hit the ground

orange and yellow, brown and red

they fall so the earth can be fed

the leaves decay and become food

a crisp air puts us in the mood

for bonfires and hay rack rides

with those we love at our sides

autumn is the best you see

it’s when my mom gave birth to me

Written for Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #28 – your favorite season

Take a Drink

Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem on

About five days ago (I am sorry I am so behind) Fandango posts “your favorite beverage” prompt. There is no way to narrow it down to just one. So for an adult beverage I would either go with a strawberry margarita or a short glass of Tequila Rose. In the morning I prefer coffee over tea but drink both. Lately my tastes have been drawn to the new Dr Pepper Cream Soda. Malts over shakes or slushies any day. Nothing taste better on a hot day than ice cold water to really quench a thirst. However, when it turns cold who can resist a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream or marshmallows! And if it is an “elegant” event I do like a glass of blush chablis or white zinfandel So needless to say I am not really picky… I have a wide variety of tastes. Now it is time to grab some water and head to bed… good night!

Written for Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #27 – your favorite beverage

The Hopeful Bird

This prompt from Fandango is all about the quote. I love this quote as it is about faith, not religion. I believe in a higher power of some sort, call it Mother Nature, Father Earth, Science, whatever there is a “force” greater than myself. So this quote has always been a favorite of mine.

“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.” – Rabindranath Tagore

For Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #26 – your favorite quote

Moving Up Thanks To You

There are no words

To adequately express

How I feel when I see

Another follower reading me

I’ve written for years

A long time for myself

But to have others like it

I thought I’d never have a shot

But now I see an impossibility

Within my writing’s reach

I am nearing a thousand readers

It leaves me without speech

There is nothing I can say

But the most basic of things

From the depths of my heart

I thank you for reading


In addition I want to take a moment to thank those whose blogs I read that inspire me everyday. Those who take the time to comment on my writing – whether good or bad I want to know what you think. And even those who just drop by to read occasionally instead of following. You all make my day!

Written for Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #25 – thank your followers

Cursed Gravity

A fun fact… most of the big ones I have at some time covered with a portion of a post.  So, I am going back to a special thing I did that I can barely remember but I had a love hate relationship with it.  Back in the day (early 70s), at least around here, there was a class you could take through parks and rec that was a skill I have used zero times in my life.

Both my sister and I took a class for baton twirling.  It was very big for baton twirlers to be at the state fair talent search, and the occasional marching band, but your average citizen does not need that skill.  I loved the class because my mom used to twirl a baton in her marching band and made it look so easy.  I wanted to be just like mom.

Gravity had other plans for me and I dropped the baton more times than I caught it.  And there were the bruises from this metal stick with heavy rubber knobs on it falling and hitting me in various places.  I was black and blue all over my arms.

Now in 2020, nearly 50 years later, I wonder if any towns still offer classes like that for kids in the summer or any time of year really.  Of course now a days, you would get a visit from child protective services if you had a child with that many bruises.  It was an experience that was not a life changer, but I can look back and smile at how hard I tried to be like mom.

Written for Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #24 – a fun fact

(photo from Google search)

The Traveler And Levi

Photo by Spencer Gurley on

He was a traveler

Never stayed long in one place

He camped where he went

Lived on a meager inheritance

And had his best friend Levi

Stand guard in the tent

Giving him unconditional love

When he reached his mid forties

He had an itch to stay put

Find a small piece of land

When Levi could run

And he could put a trailer on

The road had been rough on him

And on Levi too


 Four years down the road

The authorities knew they both died

At almost the exact same time

Knowing one could not live

Without the other one

Written for Fandango’s Dog Days of August (FDDA) #23 – create a character