Happy and Grateful – Day 242

Seven months are gone now and surprisingly I am still plugging along with this challenge to post about my happiness and gratitude every day this year.  August brings the state fair here in Iowa and lots of heat and humidity.  It is the time to see the back to school shopping start with kids dreading it and parents loving it.  As I continue my challenge I hope you will take a minute to reflect on your day too.  You can even share your happiness and gratitude here in the comments or on your own blog.  There is good in every day!

The words are not here.  I have started to describe today about a dozen times and keep back spacing over it so I am just going to go for it and keep what comes to mind this time.  I am sitting here watching How To Lose A Guy In 10 Dates again… it is a cute movie.  I feel like it has been a long day and I got nothing done.

It was Wednesday so it was coffee day for my Dad.  We sat and visited with his former coworkers for about an hour and a half.  We got there a little late as I had fallen back asleep after I took my boyfriend to work, and managed to over sleep.  But we still managed to grab a couple of seats and chat.  It does make me happy that I can take my Dad to see his friends still.

Then I had to go and get my boyfriend after work.  Getting home it felt good to put my feet up and relax a bit.  I actually almost drifted off to sleep then too.  All the fatigue the last couple of days must be the start of a flare.  If that is the case I am grateful I don’t have much going on the next few days.

I have accomplished what I set out to do… sorry it was a little disjointed tonight, I’m just not feeling it.  Maybe a better night’s sleep will turn things around for me.  Remember to find your happiness and feel your gratitude.  Have a good night/day!

Happy and Grateful – Day 241

Seven months are gone now and surprisingly I am still plugging along with this challenge to post about my happiness and gratitude every day this year.  August brings the state fair here in Iowa and lots of heat and humidity.  It is the time to see the back to school shopping start with kids dreading it and parents loving it.  As I continue my challenge I hope you will take a minute to reflect on your day too.  You can even share your happiness and gratitude here in the comments or on your own blog.  There is good in every day!

I did it again… the fatigue got the better of me for the second night in a row and I fell asleep in the middle of posting.  Forgive me for being a little late again.

It was a somewhat busy day.  I had energy to get a little laundry done and I was grateful for that.  I wrapped the gifts for my sister and took them over to my Dads house.  Picked up my boyfriend and then later went back across town to get dinner for my Dad.  It was not a lot but it seemed like I was moving a lot of the day.

Now as I sit here a day later I struggle with my memory as far as what was a happy moment.  I would have to say a frustrating but cute moment… my cat “helped” me wrap my sisters large cutting mat.  She sat right in the middle of it while I taped the edges.  It was funny so that would have to be my happy moment of the day.

Now I am running late to go pick up my Dad for his coffee group so I must run.  Find your happiness and feel your gratitude.  Have a good day/night!

One and Only

Just in time

Let’s start a rhyme

One of love

Sent from above

About devotion

And a lot of emotion

One never ending

It’s affection I’m sending

Straight to your heart

It’s where it all starts

So believe me when I say

I love you today

And for ever after

I’ll shout it from the rafter

You are my one and only

Without you I am lonely

Happy and Grateful – Day 240

Seven months are gone now and surprisingly I am still plugging along with this challenge to post about my happiness and gratitude every day this year.  August brings the state fair here in Iowa and lots of heat and humidity.  It is the time to see the back to school shopping start with kids dreading it and parents loving it.  As I continue my challenge I hope you will take a minute to reflect on your day too.  You can even share your happiness and gratitude here in the comments or on your own blog.  There is good in every day!

Today was just a day… not good, not bad just kind of there.  The highlight of the day was a trip to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week.  But it was not totally boring.  I did see a friend I used to work with and that made me happy.  She even had some good news and said her reoccurring health issues were finally diagnosed and fixed with surgery.  I was very happy for her… only took the doctors about 15 years to figure it out!

My gratitude for the day would have to be a simple one.  We had the money to stock up the pantry.  My boyfriend had a little extra vacation time on his check so it helped stretch the budget just when we needed it.

I need to get ready to take my boyfriend to work… I might have fallen asleep before I did my posts for the night, oops.  I hope you find your happiness and feel your gratitude.  Have a good night/day!

Goodbye Mr. B.

What is wrong with me?

How come I couldn’t see?

See the truth in front of my eyes?

Or see the way he twisted his lies?

It was his magnetic personality in the end

That made me feel he might not be a friend

Too much high and mighty attitude

To me he just came off as being rude

So I say goodbye to someone else

And sit down as my heart melts

Never does something good last

You’d think I’d learn from my past.

Monochrome Monday – Give Peace A Chance

The day got away from me and suddenly I remembered I had not posted my Monochrome Monday post for the week yet.  I was looking through my pictures and with all the latest headlines around the world of tensions being high, I saw this picture I had taken at a road side park a couple of years ago and felt it was timely.  It made me think of how some places see these on the streets daily as a part of life.  I am not very outspoken or politically minded … sometimes I think I would have fit in with the flower children of the 60’s and 70’s well.  All I ask today is for a chance at peace, a chance for kids to play in the streets without fear of bombs, a chance for humanity to coexist with each other by embracing their differences instead of hating them.  Let me indulge in this one edited photo to ask only that we love one another.  I hope you have a good week!

Give Peace A Chance LR.jpg

Happy and Grateful – Day 239

Seven months are gone now and surprisingly I am still plugging along with this challenge to post about my happiness and gratitude every day this year.  August brings the state fair here in Iowa and lots of heat and humidity.  It is the time to see the back to school shopping start with kids dreading it and parents loving it.  As I continue my challenge I hope you will take a minute to reflect on your day too.  You can even share your happiness and gratitude here in the comments or on your own blog.  There is good in every day!

Why are people so disappointing?  Friends suddenly don’t talk to you for weeks, months, years with no reason.  A member of my ex-husbands family has gotten his nose so far in the air it is not funny.  They are in Texas and I sent a message to show my concern and worry about their welfare during the hurricane … although he posted about other things he didn’t respond to my message.  It wouldn’t bother me so much if he hadn’t said I would “always be family” after the divorce.  This is not the first time he has ignored what I had to say.  I just don’t see how people can stop caring about someone… I know I can’t.  Maybe I am the one that is out of the ordinary?

So aside from disappointment again, it has been an ok day.  My boyfriend and I did some shopping for my Dad who can’t get out and do much shopping anymore.  We got some birthday gifts for my sister.  I am grateful that I got that accomplished as her birthday is on Tuesday.  It was pretty slow going as I hurt from yesterdays walking and prolonged standing at the festival.  But it is done so I don’t have to worry about it now.

I am in the midst of my happy moment.  I found a movie musical on TV tonight I haven’t seen in quite some time – The Wiz.  I love musicals and there are so few new ones.  So I am reliving some of my youth tonight watching Diana Ross and Michael Jackson sing and dance and Ease On Down The Road.

Another day is done and time to wait for my medicine to help me fall asleep.  I hope you find your happiness and feel your gratitude.  Have a nice night/day.

Happy and Grateful – Day 238

Seven months are gone now and surprisingly I am still plugging along with this challenge to post about my happiness and gratitude every day this year.  August brings the state fair here in Iowa and lots of heat and humidity.  It is the time to see the back to school shopping start with kids dreading it and parents loving it.  As I continue my challenge I hope you will take a minute to reflect on your day too.  You can even share your happiness and gratitude here in the comments or on your own blog.  There is good in every day!

Ouch!  I just moved my legs to get comfortable and felt the pain of the day.  But I think the pain was worth it.  Today was a summer festival in the town I lived in when I was married.  It is where my daughter grew up and we still go back there every year for the parade and vendors.  This year was no different.  We got some candy and goodies at the parade, walked the vendors booths and had a nice lunch. It makes me happy to still celebrate this tradition with my daughter.

Today I ran into two friends I used to work with.  One just celebrated his 30th birthday and the other I don’t think I have seen in over a year.I am always grateful to see my old friends from time to time.

Well I am going to try to ignore the other thing I got at the festival = a sunburn – and get some sleep.  Remember to find your happiness and feel your gratitude!