The Grimm Truth

“I love the stories of changelings and the thought that the Fey were these ancient, capricious creatures who were tricky and dangerous. I’ve always preferred the Brothers Grimm faery tales to the Disney fairy tales.”Julie Kagawa

By Tu Nguyen @ Pexels

Disney tales are fine, but a lot of the lore involved with the Brothers Grimm fairy tales has more realistic views of the unknown. There is both good and evil in most living things, it all depends on your point of view. While this is a picture of a cute innocent fairy, I can see someone who would think of a way to turn the tables on you for her own benefit. No one can be good all the time… ha, ha!

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – capricious


Photo by Sam Lion on

She usually rambles

And makes no sense

But today she will be lucid

She will be concise

She will make her feelings known

No more being pushed aside

No more surrendering to fear

She will make her feelings know

In a clear and understandable manner

She loves him still

But something has to change

She will make her feelings known

And if after today he still lies

Trying to cloud the truth

she will remember her worth

and do what is best for her health

she will make her feelings known

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – lucid

Mythical Dreams

If I could be anything

Anything I wanted to be

I’d be a beautiful mermaid

And live in the sea

I would love to swim

And play with the fish

Find sunken treasures

This is my favorite wish

But mermaids can be mean

And that just isn’t me

So maybe I’ll stay on land

And be a unicorn running free

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – mermaid

A Happy or Sad Poet

That is an interesting thought to ponder… a happy poet.  I do feel I tend to write better poems when I am dealing with an open wound so to speak.  My hurt and pain seem to bleed right onto the page.  But when it is a happy day, it seems harder to produce a sunshine and roses poem that doesn’t seem forced.

I have had my share of pain in the past and as I age there is definitely more loss in my life.  These all carry strong emotions and are easier to get on paper.  Having dealt with depression for many years, I find the joys just aren’t as high as the lows are deep.

So maybe there is a little truth to this quote.  What do you think, can you be a happy poet?

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – oxymoron

On Guard

Photo by Alex Fu on

She was walking back to her car after work.  The street ahead of her was deserted but she was still on edge.  She turned around and saw an empty street behind her, but she just couldn’t shake the uncanny feeling she was being followed.

When she got to her car, she immediately locked her doors once inside.  As she went to start the car, she saw her hands were shaking.  Why was she so uneasy?  Putting the car into gear she was about to back up when a knock on the passenger window about sent her to the ER with a heart attack.

She looked at the window only to see her coworker standing there waiting.  She rolled the window down and asked, “What’s up Seth?”

“My car won’t start.  Any chance you could give me a ride home?”

She thought this was what she had been sensing, Seth watching her as he sat in his car.  Suddenly at ease, she unlocked the doors and let Seth in.  “Sure, I can.  You are on the North side of town, right?”

Seth answered her and it proved to be the last words she heard as a stranger walked up to the car and fired two shots into the car killing both her and Seth.  She should have kept her guard up.

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – uncanny

You Get What You Pay For

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

She opened the box and found a pair of Zealot Bluetooth headphones inside.  She had never heard of the brand and assumed it was something he had found on Wish.  He was always finding gadgets there that he had to have.  Since she had mentioned wanting headphones recently, he took advantage of the knowledge for her birthday gift.

“Thanks, hun!  You remembered I wanted a pair.  Where did you get them, I have never heard of this particular brand?”

“Oh, they were a great bargain on Wish.”

She knew it… now how long would they last, if they even worked?

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – zealot


This one has me stumped.  I have tried poems and stories and I don’t like where any of them are headed.  Maybe I am just having a lackadaisical day after a busy week of doctor’s appointments and pool therapy.  My flare is finally starting to wan a bit, not gone but better.  The pain, fatigue and depression really can wear me out and zap my enthusiasm.

But I am still determined to get caught up within a day or two by the end of the month.  So I hope to post at least twice a day and I can get back on track.  I hope all of you readers in the United States have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  Thanks for having patience with me!

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – lackadaisical

Rock On

Photo by anna-m. w. on

She climbed the stairs of the coliseum and looked ahead for row numbers.  This had been a last-minute concert idea and their seats were in the upper balcony.  Her Dad would have called them seats in the nose-bleed section because they were so high up.

They found their seats and settled in for a good show.  Her sister and her had decided to go to the show for old times sake.  Many years ago, they had stood in line for tickets to see The Boss, and here they were going to another Bruce Spingsteen show more than thirty years later.

As the show began, they were instantly aware that despite being more than 70 years old, Bruce still knew how to rock and roll!  They clapped and screamed and hollered and were repaid with an encore.  And as they left the coliseum with their ears ringing and hands numb the smiles on their faces gave away that they had thoroughly enjoyed the show.

(added bonus… one of my favorites off the Seeger Sessions CD, Pay Me My Money Down live)

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – upper

Set Me Free

Photo by Jackson David on

Remove the sand within my eyes

Take the knives out of my back

I need to stop walking this broken glass

Both calves are tied in knots

I struggle to raise my arms

And my neck is stiff at best

This fibro flare has me in pain

And my mind all out of whack

As I struggle to write these words

I catch my breath in gasps

I hope the end of this flare is soon

I want to feel happiness again

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – remove

The Surprise Will Be Hers

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

He waited at the door and listened.  He could have sworn he heard laughter abruptly stop as he approached his apartment door, but it was now silent as could be.  That silence was surprising.  His wife was home, and she almost always had the stereo on when he came home.  There weren’t many times without it running – when she had a migraine, if she had bad news to share or if she was mad.  He didn’t feel like walking in on any of those.  He had a nefarious plan hatching.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Behind the door she stood with about a dozen of his closest friends waiting to catch him off guard.  His birthday wasn’t until Monday, but they could all celebrate on a Friday night better than a Monday.  So, it had been her rebellious plan to give him a fright when he came home.  Trouble was she should have turned on the stereo.  She stood here thinking he would know something was up if it was silent in the apartment.  Too late to change it now.  He was here and so close to turning that door handle.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

She stood in the back of the group.  This was a bad idea to be here.  She was more than a friend to her and had recently been a lover to him.  If the surprise didn’t phase him, her being there like nothing had happened would.  Their wicked little rendezvous had been magnificent but so wrong.  She felt her phone vibrate and she glanced at the screen; it was from him. “Meet me at your apartment.  I need you.” She couldn’t move.  Every part of her being wanted to go, but she was too afraid to be caught MIA at the same time he was.

Photo by Pixabay on

This would prove to be the longest night for all three of them.

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – nefarious