A to Z Challenge – Y…

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

Y is for …

I have struggled with this letter.  I like yogurt, but not enough to post about it.  I do some yoga as my pained body can handle it.  I had a yo-yo as a kid but really sucked at playing with it.  I hate the term YOLO.  I was even young once (believe it or not) but I think that is not a phenomenon exclusive to me.  But then I thought of you.

This is a time to be glad I have 624 followers, although there a few I haven’t seen on here in quite a while, plus there are those who follow solely for the reason to get a follow back.  But I still think it is nice that more than 600 people took the time to press that follow button.

You have also visited me 13,000 times.  That is a lot of people wandering through my blog world.  And it hardly felt the least bit crowded!

So, I dedicate this letter to YOU and thank you for sharing this journey called life with me.  ❤ (((HUGS))) ❤


Follow my A to Z challenge:


A Million Little Pieces

Obviate my heart

It is no longer any good

There is no reason

For it to

Skip a beat again

I will never feel

That flutter

When you smile

It won’t stop

For a second

When you say dear

It is now worthless

You shattered it

When you said goodbye


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – obviate

The Countryside

They took a drive to the country.  She asked, “What are we doing out in the boondocks’?”

“Just be patient,” he replied.

“It really is beautiful this time of year.  Finally seeing all this green after such a long winter makes me want to capture it forever,” she said while holding her phone up, to take a picture.  “But you’re going too fast,” she said with a little laugh.

In a short distance he slowed the car and turned up a gravel drive.  “We are here,” he announced.

“Oh, this is a beautiful little place!  Who lives here,” she asked?

He removed papers from the glove box and said, “This bucolic setting is now ours.  Happy anniversary dear!”


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – bucolic

A to Z Challenge – Xanadu

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

X is for Xanadu

In part Merriam-Webster calls Xanadu “a generalized term for an idyllic place.”  A paradise to escape to, an island dream… or an 80’s movie.  Ok so I LOVE music, and musicals have a special place in my heart.  It is NOT an academy award winner but it was a “cute” film.  And I may be bias as I have always loved Olivia Newton-Johns singing as well as ELO.  So the album does reside in my record collection.  I unfortunately don’t have the DVD yet, but every once in a while it pops up on tv.

But if I were to pick an idyllic place for my own Xanadu, it would be in the country near water.  Lots of gentle animals to see and NO bugs.  But back to the movie…

I also have to credit Gene Kelley.  He didn’t get to dance a lot in the movie, but he has always made it look so doggone easy!  Really smooth moves!

So, yes I am a fan of Xanadu and I am only a little afraid to admit it.  LOL!


Follow my A to Z challenge:


A to Z Challenge – Writer

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

W is for writer

This letter was kind of a no-brainer.  I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t write.  I wouldn’t put words out there if I didn’t want them read.  So I am a writer.  Now I would LOVE to be a paid writer some day, but for now I am happy that I can connect with one or two people here with my blog.

I have been writing poems off and on since I was in junior high school.  I have always found it somewhat therapeutic to get the sad, mad or glad feelings out on paper… especially the sad ones.  If not the thoughts just fester and it is no good for anyone.

My dream would be to have a book of poems with some pictures I have taken.  But I am too unsure of my writing to take the plunge and put my words up for criticism.  The blogging community has been so kind to me I feel really comfortable here.  I am a writer.  Come read with me.


Follow my A to Z challenge:


The Encounter

The two of you walk in

And the room is suddenly too small

The lady on your arm

Looks like a vision of perfection

I could never compete with her

But you never gave me the chance to try

You walked out the door and ran to her

Leaving me alone and loathing myself

I slink into the shadows

Feeling the vanishing air

The pounding of my heart for you

And my world starts to crumble

I stumble to the door

Sulking back to my hiding place

The dark and empty room

We used to share


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – lady

A to Z Challenge – Video Games

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

V is for video games

I was kind of born at the right time.  As an elementry student we got our first Pong game.  For those of you too young to know, video games started extremely basic and we were all gaga over them!  It wasn’t long before we moved up to the Atari 2600.  Space Invaders, Surround, Pole Position… all very boxy looking games now, but the greatest thing in the mid to late 70’s.

The Atari continued to produce new games and it wasn’t long before PacMan hit the arcades.  I loved it!  I was not a master at it, but I could often get the top score at the arcade.  Ah, the arcades!  I was a teenager and my friend had her driver’s license so we would hit the arcades in town, especially the one with the cute guys working there!  We knew all of them by name in no time.  We thought we were hot stuff.  (I can’t help but laugh at that now!)

Arcades began to fade when home systems evolved into more memory and better graphics.  We never had the Nintendo or Playstation until much later.  But we played lots of games on out Atari computer.  There was Preppy (a Frogger take off where you mowed the lawn at the country club) text adventure games (one, if I remember right, was called Escape and you just had to go through a series of events to make it down to the ground floor in a high rise.) and Lemmings (where you directed the lemmings which way to go so they would not die).

By the time I hit college the hot game for me was Tapper where you served beer in different saloon settings.  I was the master of it in the campus game room! Then life happened and before long I became a mom and picked very carefully what my daughter played.  Actually that is not true.  I tried not to sensor her too much and I know she and her cousin were well below the recommended age for Conker’s Bad Fur Day.

It became a tradition in our house, when there was a snow day I would stay home and we would play Paper Mario all day. As she ages she played more and more games alone and I sat down with Animal Crossing to play a nice mind numbing game.

Now a days it is phone games or Wii.  I still play video games and get all excited if there is a PacMan, Ms PacMan, or Frogger game any place we go.  I hope to join a Wii bowling league when I get old enough to go to the senior center.  😂🤣


Follow my A to Z challenge:


Take A Peek

Hurry up

Let’s take a peek

And see the girl

That is a freak

She was taken in

And played the fool

She should have learned

Clear back in school

That things like that

Just don’t happen

There is no way

They all aren’t laughin’

Laughin’ at her

And her foolish ways

Now she cries

Both nights and days

Hurry up

And take a peek

See the girl

Whose future is bleak


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – hurry

A to Z Challenge – Unicorn

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

U is for unicorn

Okay, I know they are not real but they are my favorite mythical being.  I started a small unicorn collection in middle school and still have a handful of them that I cherish.  I suppose it goes in line with my love of horses as a unicorn is just a horned horse with magical properties.  They even got a small part in the Harry Potter films and books.  An entire movie was done for The Last Unicorn (which is a very sad thought).  They are in many different cultures and even religions.  Let’s face it… you wish they were real too!


Follow my A to Z challenge: