Bloganuary 2024 – Pen Name

Bloganuary writing prompt
Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc.

I have mentioned before I write under a pseudonym here on Word Press.  I do that to protect my family and myself from some of the hard truths I occasionally write about.  I came up with the name about the time I was in seventh grade as that was when I started writing poetry and I did have a bit of a hope to publish.  And if Samuel Clemens could write under a nom de plume, couldn’t I?  There is a method to how I came up with the name, but I can’t explain it for obvious reasons.

I did a little searching though and did discover a few things in a google search of the name.  It seems to come from the name Leah and is of Hebrew origins meaning “meadow.”  And I learned that in 2021 only I in about 33,000 times was Leigha used as a girl’s name. Interesting little facts, but since it is not a common name, I didn’t find much else.

Photo by Angela Roma on