Bloganuary 2024 – Hello, Hi and Hey

Bloganuary writing prompt
In what ways do you communicate online?
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

If you say hello

There is something

I want you to know.

I may just say hi

Cause missing you

Makes me cry.

Occasionally we chat

And we explain where

We are at.

But what I crave

Is a handwritten letter

In which you rave.

But now it is goodnight

As the sunshine

Is out of sight.

Then morning I will say hey

I hope you have

The most beautiful day.


Online there is Messenger, Facebook, and email

No matter what you use

Communication will never fail.

As long as the message is clear

I do this because

You are not here.

Is there something you want to say

Don’t wait any longer

Type it out today.