Bloganuary 2024 – Nevermore in a Dream

Bloganuary writing prompt
If you could un-invent something, what would it be?

I would like to un-invent war, but it is an action, not an invention.  I’d like to un-invent hate and discrimination, but it’s not an invention either.  How about basic violence?  Nope, not possible either.  So, I guess I would take a broad approach still and un-invent weapons.

I realize that fighting would still go on, but there would be no knives, guns or bombs.  It would be on a much more personal scale and no longer MASS casualties.  I am not so naive to think it would last though.  There are urges and feelings in many people for power and dominance that would naturally progress to a new series of weapons in no time.  I highly doubt we could ever maintain a peaceful existence for very long at all.

It never hurts to dream though.  I am tired of wars and mass shootings, too many innocent people are dying.  There is no place that is safe – grocery stores, movie theaters, schools, concerts, churches, night clubs, workplaces… everywhere.  So, if I could un-invent anything it would be weapons.  How about you?