Bloganuary 2024 – Purrfectly Cute

Bloganuary writing prompt
What is your favorite animal?

I tried to write a little about my cats and each time I start, it ends up in the trash.  Let me try this.  These are the things I love about my cats…

  • They are cute.
  • They know when I am down and will cuddle with me.
  • They greet me when I come home, like they missed me.
  • They have their playtime that gives me unlimited smiles.
  • They keep the mice population down.
  • Face it, they are cute.
  • They are independent enough I can take a day or two trip away.
  • They don’t beg at dinner time.
  • They are soft and warm in the winter like an extra blanket.
  • They CAN be trained in some things.
  • They talk to me when I am alone – had one cat I would have long talks with every morning, he would meow and wait and meow some more.
  • Did I mention, they are cute?

I could gush on, but those are the highlights.  I do like dogs too – but they take a lot of work.  Horses I have never had but they are BEAUTIFUL creatures.  …personally, I am partial to a unicorn but that is a challenging one to catch.  Ha, ha!