Merrily We Roll Along

Trying something new this week. There is a weekly challenge over at The Sound of One Hand Typing called Writer’s Workshop where a list of prompts is given each week to be done on Thursday (or there about). Of the six prompt choices, I chose number three this week…

“Tell us about a something (e.g. a toy) that you wanted as a child (for Christmas or your birthday), but never received.”

This is easy for me. There was one thing I always wanted that I unfortunately never got and fear it would be far too late in life now… a keyboard/piano and lessons.

Ever since I was old enough to go to my grandparents’ house and reach the keys, I wanted to play the piano. Of course, like most kids I would make up “songs” and just play random keys. I never learned to read music, but I did teach myself a couple of songs with some help from my grandma and “easy to play” music books.

Unfortunately, my sister got the guitar she was asking for when she was growing up. She started out great but began to slack off with practice and then getting to lessons became less of a priority. It all ended up in a guitar that only gathered dust.

Naturally when I asked about the piano and lessons that experience with my older sister came to light. Since she didn’t stick with it, my parents thought I wouldn’t either, so no lessons. I was heartbroken. I still asked from time to time and would always visit the piano on trips to my grandparents’ house, but I never did get my wish.

I don’t know, maybe it is not too late to teach this old dog a new trick. Maybe I could find a reasonable priced keyboard and take some late life lessons. Have you ever missed out on something because of how a sibling handled the situation?


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Through His Eyes

Photo by Jana T. on

She watched her son on the stage and was in awe of his talent.  She had always wanted to learn the piano and had taught herself a couple of songs on her grandparent’s upright.  But alas, lessons were not in the cards.  In her teen years she saved up money to buy one of those electronic keyboards that were popular.  But not reading music, her dreams fell flat.

Now her son was on stage, at the university she once dreamed about, applying for the music program.  She was so proud and happy to live out her dreams vicariously through him.

(100 words)

Written for Fandnago’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – vicariously

Untitled Song

Photo by Jana T. on

The piano is his mistress

Totally within her control he is consumed

He touches the keys

Like caressing the body of a woman

He feels each note

Deep in his soul with both joy and pain

He aches for harmony

To accompany his melody

He bleeds music

Searching for true love

He knows she sings too

Feeling like he does

They believe the rhythm of time

Will bring their collaboration together

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – piano