Bloganuary 2024 – Challenges

Daily writing prompt
What are your biggest challenges?

Where do I begin?  Some days are nothing but challenges, others I can breeze through pretty much.  I am taking care of a challenge I had last year and that was struggling to do daily posts… I will make every #Bloganuary post if it takes until 3am to get it done (and some days it might, ha, ha).  But something that surprised me that I struggled a lot with this last year… my daughter.

I love her with all my heart, but I miss her and struggle when she is not happy.  That is wrong.  I cannot put my happiness in her hands to control.  I must learn that we are not connected like we used to be.  She was my whole world for so many years and I am still trying to hold on as tight as I used to, but then get hurt when she is leading her own life.  I have to stop that.

I will always be a mother and she will always be my daughter, but I have got to learn to adjust to the new roles and boundaries in place.  She is not the little girl who said she would always live with mommy… she is a grown woman with a husband and a successful job.  And I need to remember I still have worth in this different role.   I think along with my health (which in many ways is beyond my control) those are my biggest challenges.  Would you like to share your challenges?

…not quite yet.

Just a quick pop in to tell you I am getting ready for the New Year already. I think I will be working on, what is it called, the Bloganuary challenge? I have been up to my eyeballs busy, but I have so missed writing this month. I am working on a link of Facebook where those on the site can connect with me if interested. And I have all sorts of ideas bubbling away inside.

I do have a little time to try to scan a few posts… I will start fresh on New Year’s Day and try my best to keep up daily on all your wonderfully written words. So nothing more than a wish to you a little early to have a HAPPY New Year and remember to celebrate SMART on New Years Eve – do not drink and drive! Now off to my reader…

Photo by Caio on