Mumbles … stress

Stress… the eighth definition according to is “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension,” been there, got that. Nothing major just a million little things all happening at once – therapist of 14 years is retiring, good friend in the hospital with fluid in lungs and around heart, boyfriend has pinkeye (so far I have not gotten it), the heat and discomfort of summer is coming up fast, the city needs to inspect my house and I am so uncomfortable with strangers in my house, sleep has been hit and miss (although I have found some new relief with CBD gummies and oil), my muse has been stingy and of course the joys of fibro.

It could be worse… I could have the blue screen of death on my computer and no longer be able to pound at the keys in an attempt to get the frustrations out (and believe me I have really tried this week). There are worse things that could happen for certain, but having an anxiety disorder, it all is compounded greatly.

So, today I went searching for something to write to take my mind off things for a bit. Fandango’s One-Word Challenge of “almanac” had me stumped. I did find the Three Things Challenge #M723 with “tablet, screen and keys” and accomplished a little stream of consciousness flow with two of those. This search brings to mind a question though.

Where do you find your prompts? I have picked up ones others have written before, but I usually get to my reader later in the day, so I don’t have time to address those challenges. I do have a list from Cee’s Photo Challenges that I can get some on. I have tried searching and have only come up with responses usually. So… if you have a favorite challenge, please link it here and maybe I can add it to a list on my note tablet (see what I did there) and join in one day.

I hope you all have a stress-free day!