They Walk This Way

Slowly shuffling forward

Their eyes are empty

Vacant stares ahead

No discernable words

Only guttural sounds escape

Their mouths agape

In search of nourishment

In mass they have one goal

These zombies are coming

It can only mean one thing

The time has come

For Monday morning

At the coffee shop

Photo by cottonbro on


Sorry, I just couldn’t resist that ending! Come on, Halloween should be fun too, not just scary. Besides my daughter works for a coffee shop… I have heard stories. Ha, ha, ha!

Untitled Song

Photo by Jana T. on

The piano is his mistress

Totally within her control he is consumed

He touches the keys

Like caressing the body of a woman

He feels each note

Deep in his soul with both joy and pain

He aches for harmony

To accompany his melody

He bleeds music

Searching for true love

He knows she sings too

Feeling like he does

They believe the rhythm of time

Will bring their collaboration together

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – piano


Tanya walked into the shop on her right. She had been browsing the mall stores for a gift of some kind for her sister’s birthday. Her sister was older than her and had very different tastes that Tanya. She walked over to where the puzzles were and thought of her Dad who had loved them… her sister, not so much. Tanya went to the bookstore about three doors down. Her sister was an avid reader and had a love for puzzle books. She browsed the bookstore and found a few things, then progressed to the video game store. She began to browse through the Nintendo DS games and found the game she knew her sister was looking for waiting in the used bin just for Tanya to find. She had gifts in hand and began the trip home to wrap them, hoping her sister would love them.


Written for Famdango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – browse


Another door slammed in my face,

Soon there will be nowhere left to go.

No one to talk to when things are rough.

No one to help making me feel useful.

I must just push too much,

Trying to force my way in;

Into any kind of a relationship.

Somewhere I can belong again.

I just need one more opening,

One more chance to get it right.

Maybe I won’t lose again.

Maybe I can find a friend

Who will open up and stay,

No matter how much I care.

So, I keep walking the hall

Looking for an open door,

Looking for you.


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – opening

Opal’s Eyes

she forgot things …

she blamed her eyesight

she blamed lack of sleep

she blamed old age


she began to not recognize things…

she thought she wasn’t home

she thought her family was never there

she thought the mirror showed a stranger


she wanted to find her husband one morning…

she walked a short distance

she walked in the cold

she walked until she collapsed


she succumbed to exposure

she will always be remembered

she will always be in our hearts

she will always be missed