Happy and Grateful – Day 276

The month of October is upon us.  Fall is in full swing with the leaves gathering on the lawn… maybe a pile or two to run through even.  The evenings are getting dark earlier as the days grow shorter.  And a few of us look forward to a good scare with Halloween coming this month.  Everyday has at least some small portion of good in it.  I am looking for that good with this challenge to find my happiness and gratitude every day.  Join in with the challenge by commenting or writing your own blog… let’s find some goodness today.

I have got to find a breaking point… something has to give.  I am so worn out and things are not slowing down anytime soon.  The fatigue it feels like, is swallowing me whole.  By the time I got the cobwebs out of my head this morning it was already time to leave to get Dad for coffee so there was no time to post until now.  I hope you forgive me for being late once again.

Tuesday Dad went in for a follow-up with his doctor after going to the ER.  Really nothing new except she did say it could be a month or two before there is much change in Dad’s leg.  He is either getting a little better (or just getting used to it) though as he seems to be limping a little less.  I was grateful to know there are no underlying problems.

My daughter messaged me and we chatted about a cute conversation she had with her boyfriend.  It was about watching HGTV together in their house.  Made my daughter giddy and made me happy to know they are talking of things in the future. …ah young love!

I need to go try to tackle some laundry… not sure I can lift the laundry basket I am so tired, but I will give it a try so we can have clothes to wear.  I hope you find your happiness and feel your gratitude.  Have a good night/day!

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