Anxiety Is For Real

Daily writing prompt
What makes you nervous?

Lots of traffic

People driving fast

Unfamiliar surroundings

And crowds that are vast

Falling great heights

Tornadoes in the skies

Strangers at my door

People telling lies

Changes can be daunting

And hard to accept

Anxiety is for real

Give the feeling some respect

Photo by Liza Summer on

Tensions Mounting

Photo by Elu012bna Aru0101ja on

On edge

Fears swirling in my mind

So uneasy and panicking

I feel as nervous as a cat

Protecting its tail

In a room full of rocking chairs

But I can focus

And breathe slowly

Trying to calm the chaos

I will not let anxiety win

I will not forget

I have survived this before

It may feel like eternity

But it will pass

I just need to remember

To trust in myself


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – tail

Mumbles … Pillow Talk

It’s 2 am and my head should be on my pillow. Instead, I am sitting up typing unable to unwind. Sleep has been an issue for years. I don’t sleep deeply – the cat walking across the room often wakes me. I often have trouble shutting off thoughts enough to get to sleep. But one plus is that if I do wake up, I can usually get back to sleep in less than a half an hour.

Recently the doctor has been working on trying to find ways to get me to sleep and into a deeper sleep but trying to do so without leaving me sleepy still the next day. The most recent attempt first had me sleeping about 14 hours, a try at half the dose had me out for 12 hours. So, we are going to try to cut the dose down further, but after the first two attempts I don’t hold out much hope.

So, I turn on some of what I call meditation music on YouTube and try to relax.  If that doesn’t work, I sometimes give in for a half an hour or so of solitaire on my phone… that will usually bore me enough to get tired. I do have “help” in my anxiety meds I take at night to unwind, or there are muscle relaxers for those nights I am really tensed up.

Tonight (or actually, this morning if you want to be technical) I tried to slow down the thoughts with an anxiety pill and will punch out a few words to maybe mumble myself to dreamland.

What do you do to get to sleep when you struggle with a wide awake night?


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – pillow

Sunny Sunday – December 3

Today I decided to bring more light to the world.  Today I ask you to do the same thing.  Join me in posting something happy and upbeat, funny or serious but always sunny.  It can be poems, stories (real or fiction), pictures, quotes or music.  Let’s spread a little joy today.  Encourage each other with a little positivity.  If you want to spread that sunshine give me a link in the comments and we can light up the world together.  #SunnySunday

I apologize for being a little late today.  Was trying so hard to get a scheduled post done last night, but I fell asleep with the laptop open on my legs.  I may have had a little help sleeping too.  A dear friend I have known since childhood is in town and we were up past 2am playing a card game.  Shanghai Rummy is a game I think I learned as early as 8 or 9 years old and so much fun on its own, add in a strawberry margherita and I was beat; happy but beat.  So once again I am sorry.  Now let’s get to business…

This week I am focusing on the positives.  Keep trying and always move forward.  Since I hit road bumps every now and then I need the occasional encouragement, that’s what this week’s poem is all about…

Step By Step

First step

Take a chance

Step outside your comfort zone

Second step


It is not as scary as your anxiety thinks

Remember to breathe

Third step

Be proud

You did it

And more importantly

You survived it

Final step

File today away

The sun was shining bright

And you made a difference

Know you can do it again

And you will

Some Things Daily October 2 – #043

I want to try something.  Let’s talk about things.  Things that matter, things are not so important and outright silly things.  Things that are strange and different, things that are timely, things that make us laugh or cry.  Things that are on your mind and mine.  And things that never crossed your mind.  Let’s talk….

Today is a Monthly Monday.  Here are a few of the awareness months we are celebrating in October.  National Pitbull Awareness Month, Mental Health Month, National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Canadian Library Month.   And that is just a few; I will share more next Monday.

Today in history in 1919 US President Woodrow Wilson suffers a near-fatal stroke.  The drink Gatorade was invented in 1965 at the University of Florida.  And in 1969 Thurgood Marshall was sworn in as the first black Supreme Court justice.  Today is World Day of Bullying Prevention, World Farm Animals Day, International Day of Non-Violence, National Custodial Workers Recognition Day, and Audiophile Day.

I think today we will talk about it being Mental Health Month.  There is such a need for acceptance of mental health issues.  It needs to be normalized.  What you are comfortable talking about please think about these questions.  Do you take notice when your mental health needs attention/a doctor’s visit?  Do you have a routine in place for your mental health care?  If you were to “wake up” in a crisis situation, would there be a place for you to go in your town or area?  Let’s talk about these things…

I have made it no secret that I have clinical depression and anxiety disorders.  I have over the years developed things that work for me when I am having difficulty with my mental health.  I do see a therapist regularly.  I am lucky to live in an area that has adequate mental health care at the current moment in time.  In the past I did need to drive about 45 minutes to see a doctor who could prescribe medicine – those local either were not taking new patients or did not take my insurance at the time.  I know there are some areas where there are no doctors or therapists within hours away.

What are your feelings about Mental Heath Month?  Let me know in the comments or write your own post and give me the link here so I can find it.  Mental health is not something to be ashamed of.  It is no different than a broken bone or cancer… it needs treatment to be healed or managed.  Help end the stigma!

Fandango’s Flashback Friday – July 21

Friday is hanging on by a thread in some parts of the country (I missed it by more than an hour here) but I am going to try and squeeze this into the day still. Time to dust off an old post from this date in a previous year. This week I am pulling up a Mumbles from 2019. Remembering gratitude is something I have to be reminded of every now and again… it really brings the day into a better perspective. Here is that post

Mumbles … Grateful

This is something I did for a year; it should be easy.  But I find my depression and anxiety standing in my way tonight.  The word prompt for the day is grateful.  And I know there is lot I should be and am grateful for, it’s just the voices in my head try to take the good things from me one way or another.

So, there is the obvious things like food, clothing and shelter, family and friends, words and music.  But tonight, I am thankful for many things.  After about 20 minutes of the power being out today, I have a stronger awareness of how grateful I am for air conditioning in this heat.  I know there are those homeless that need to find a place that is cool and welcoming this time of the year.  And some that don’t have air conditioning or just window units to cool one room.

Gratitude is something my doctor says I should embrace every day.  It is something that we talk about at least once a month.  It is something that can turn a day around if you just take a minute to notice what you have.  They say the grass is greener on the other side, but I like my shade of green just fine.  It is mine and I am grateful.


For Fandango’s Flashback Friday (FFF) – July 21

Not Close Enough

Photo by fotografierende on

I see him standing there

And reach out to grab his hand

But suddenly he is out of reach

I try to take a few steps

And the distance grows

The harder I try to get there

The further away he fades

I run and begin to panic

Stumbling and falling feeling desperate

He is there in the distance

But still forever out of reach

I wake up startled from the alarm clock

And look over and see him sleeping

I feel my heartrate begin to slow

As I breathe a sigh of relief

I touch his shoulder

Feeling the comfort of him near

And hope to never be apart again


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – stumble

Adrift in Conflict

Photo by Alexander Zvir on

Sitting in a row boat

I bob across the small waves

A slight breeze is blowing

And clouds play across the sun

Realizing I am too far from shore

I reach for the oars

They have vanished

Adrift on a large lake

No one aware I am there

I start to panic

The wind shifts

And the waves grow bigger

No life vest in sight

I feel the boat go over

Desperately I try to swim

My arms like anchors

Just weigh me down

I kick to stay above water

The boat is gone

It’s just me and the elements

Swallowing water

I know it wont be long

Then a hand reaches out

To calm my racing heart

Giving me security

That all will be ok

Life may try to pull me under

But you are there

To keep me afloat

You rescue me again

You are my lifeline


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – adrift

The Inside of Madness

Photo by Stacey Koenitz R on

Running on empty

Teetering on the edge

Ready to surrender

I need to stop

Try and find a way

To reduce the noises

That bombard me daily

Those little annoyances

Become goliath in size

When I am overwhelmed

Breath by breath

I will slow down

Take things one at a time

And find a way through

To the other side of madness


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – reduce


Photo by RDNE Stock project on

I will not wavier

I will not flinch

My strength will sustain me

My power comes from within

I will not lose

I will not fall apart

My confidence wont fail me

My illness wont win

During this mental health awareness month of May, I write of an inner strength that is not present enough of the time.  But it is present more than it used to be, and I continue to work on me.  Break the silence, break the stigma.  I am more than enough. #MentalHealthAwareness


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – flinch