The First Drop’s A Doisy

Photo by Pixabay on

I’m not a one of a kind

Nothing special about me

No unique qualities

I just an average person

Trying to stay sane

In a roller coaster world

Fighting tears and sadness

With fake smiles in a bottle

One tablet at a time

Walking through my days

In an altered state

Hoping it is something close

To happiness in the end

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – unique

Happy and Grateful – Day 264

The kids are all in school, there is a growing crisp in the air.  Football games and shorter days fill the weeks.  It is September.  I have accomplished another month of acknowledging my happiness and gratitude every day.  Join me as I continue my goal of one year on this journey.  Please join in with your happiness and gratitude in the comments or your own blog post.  No matter how bad the day is there is always something worthwhile in the day.

Today was a roller coaster day.  I just felt very up and down emotionally.  I met with my doctor and felt pretty good afterwards, but it did not last.  Felt better when my boyfriend came home but now I have crashed again.  …wouldn’t be so bad if I liked roller coasters.

I am still going to dig to find the good.  Today I was happy to hear from my daughter that she will be spending the evening of her birthday with us.  We will treat her to a dinner out and open gifts.  I didn’t know if she wanted to plan something with her friends or not so it was good to hear that she will be here that night.  Hard to believe she will be turning 23 already.

Now for my moment of gratitude… or actually my collection of gratitudes.  Since I saw today was World Gratitude Day I thought maybe I would do more today.  Some things are a daily thing but they are very important.  Home, food and clothing.  My family is my world… and that of course includes my cat.  I have friends I would be lost without.  I have a very good life…

There are things that I wish for, but all in all I have what I need right now.  And on days like today I have to remember that.  What are you grateful for on this World Gratitude Day?

Time to listen to my drooping eyes and close them.  Remember to feel your gratitude and find your happiness.  Have a good night/day!