
Photo by cottonbro on

It’s hard to ignore this kind of pain

I swallow hard and decide to just feel it

Accepting this path as the right one to take

Where I feel the hurt instead of trying to fix it

It kind of goes against basic human reactions

But I have tried to avoid or fix it before

And it just brings frustrations and no results

So today I will accept it and let the tears fall


Written for Writer’s Workshop Prompts – the word ignore and 8 “sentences”

The Daily Debate

The electric like impulses surge across my legs

The tingling feeling like ants under the skin haunts my arms

A constant pounding in my head as thoughts use my brain as a drum

Today I can no longer be in denial of the pain

I struggle with the thought of taking a prescription opioid

Terrified the reduction of pain will become addictive as the meds

A few ibuprofens are a poor substitute for relief

But will ease things enough to keep me from addiction

I don’t want to fall like so many others have

Instead I struggle with the pain for as long as I can

Then give in and find a small bit of salvation in a little white pill

Photo by on


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – denial


Photo by on

Living in a dream

I look for the best and

I hope for the rest

But if I were to be realistic

I would see it is not all roses

Life can be hard and unfair

Learning to accept the pain

Instead of dwelling on it

Frees us to enjoy that which is

Truly good


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – realistic

A Little Time

  I am sorry, but for the next few days I will not be posting. As you can see I have a killer toothache that I can’t get past to make poems or other post, just not thinking straight. I was thinking of hiring my cats to do the posts…

But they were too wrapped up in looking at dog fail memes and I could not pull them away from the videos of dogs failing at basic tricks. 🙂 

As I am able I will try to read some posts in-between ice packs and naps. I should be better soon – at least by the 23rd when I can finally get into the oral surgeon. Thank you all for understanding.


(A special thanks to my boyfriend who helped me assemble this post and found the pictures. ❤️)

Nightdreams And Daymares

Photo by Emiliano Arano on

I had a dream last night

I was back at work

 Productive and worthwhile

I had a dream last night

I was able to dance

You leading me across the floor

I had a dream last night

My body and life was anew

I was happy and laughing

Then I woke…

The pain, fatigue and depression all hit

And I began the nightmare of a day


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – anew

Fandango’s Flashback Friday – July 28th

As always on a Friday afternoon I reach back past the cobwebs to my old posts and share one from the tombs in a past year on this date. This week it is a young one, only two years old from 2021.

A Moment

I wish I had a moment

Just for a quiet repose

No pressures

No judgement

No endless thoughts

Perhaps today

Just for a short time

I can take a deep breath

And find a calm inside

A moment of tranquility

Where I can relax

Without the stresses

I face everyday

Without the pain

My body inflicts

Without being haunted

By my yesterdays

… perhaps for a moment


For Fandango’s Flashback Friday (FFF) – July 28th


I stand in the shower

Letting the hot water pulse

Across my aching back

Hoping to melt away the day

I pushed too hard

And did too much

And now my body will pay

Stepping out into a room of steam

I dry off and put on my robe

Momentarily I feel good

After the warming massage

But I know it won’t last

I shake off that fear

And try to embrace a good night

One last thing to do

Before I accept my fate

I draw a face on the mirror and say

“Take that fibro!

You can’t take away my smile

Even through the pain.”


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – steam

Knockout Punch

Photo by Leon Kohle on

It’s like all the joy has been ripped out of me

Pain and sorrow is all I feel

And an aching emptiness that is devoid of everything worthwhile

Every inch of my being hurts

And a simple walk up the stairs takes forever

All because I know you wont be there

At the top of the stairs to hold me

You wont be in the living room to laugh with

And you wont share a meal from the kitchen

Your presence has meant so much during this time together

It creates a tenderness so sensitive to think of you gone

I know it is not forever

Six months is not an eternity

But seeing your bus pull away

Left me bruised and beaten by loneliness


I had to put my boyfriend on the bus to head home tonight… so very hard to do. We have been together more than 6 weeks and it really hurt to see those bus tail lights. I know the next six month until I see him again will not go by near as fast at the time we spent together… but it will pass in time. I just had to post tonight as ‘devoid’ was the word of the day and that fit so well with the emptiness that I feel right now. I will pull up my big girl panties and carry on until he comes back, but for right now I just hurt.


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – devoid

Warning, This Is Not a Drill

Image from Google search/Reddit

It  comes in quietly

Without any warning

All will be well

Then WHAM it hits

This debilitating disease

It’s unrelenting pain

And the chronic fatigue

Strikes any time of day

A flare sends my limping

To the medicine cabinet

I can barely stay awake

And my minds focus

Bounces around in circles

I feel like it’s me against the world

As I struggle to explain

Another appointment to cancel

Because I just can’t move

Or fear I will sleep driving

And loneliness closes in

Twisting my thoughts

Well I am warning you fibro

I will not let you win today

I may surrender to the symptoms

But I will never give up

Living the best life I can


Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (FOWC) – warning